Saturday, September 12, 2009

Series I Want To Start

Most of the books I want to get are not out yet, but here are some titles of the first book in a few series I'm thinking about reading.

The first title (left) is called Vampire Kisses. A vampire story in a series; I figured that I've already read a bunch of vampire books already, wouldn't hurt for another. And the summary:

Raven lives in "Dullsville," where nothing ever happens. Until now... The mansion on top of Benson Hill has been empty and boarded up for years. But a new family has moved in. A family that never ventures out during the day. Who are these creepy people- especially the handsome, dark, and elusive Alexander Sterling? Or rather, what are they? Could the town gossip actually be true? Are they vampires? Raven, who secretly covets a vampire kiss, both at risk of her own mortality and Alexander's loving trust, is dying to uncover the truth.

~ Now, I don't know about you, but that sounded very familiar.

Any who, the second title (bottom right) is called The City of Bones. It's part of a series also. I couldn't find a summary for this one, I just know that it's a fantasy, with lots of mythical creatures and stuff.

The third title (top right) is Cirque Du Freak: A Living Nightmare. It's part of a series, too. And vampires are in it. I couldn't directly find the summary for this, and I'm not even sure what it's about that much. I saw the trailer for the movie. The movie is based off of the first three books in the series, and I thought it looked funny. (Shrug.) Why not give it a try?


  1. cool!
    it's kinda funny how Stephenie Meyer made vampire books so popular, she did a lot of other authors a favor!

  2. You copied this post after me.
    Eh, that's okay.
    How did you hear of The Mortal Instruments series though? City of Bones, City of Ashes, City of Glass. I was looking at that series last time we went to Wal-mart and I thought about getting it too...

  3. Kelly: Yeah, I sorta did; but it was a good idea. I heard of that series on the Gaia forums. People were suggesting book titles and multiple people put The Mortal Instruments series down, so I went on Wikipedia for the summary and thought it seemed cool.

    Amy: Yeah, funny isn't it?

  4. Lilly, I think it's interesting that they have another vampire book that's out... did you know that there's another vampire movie coming out? I forget what it's called, but it's about a boy who goes to a circus/magic show and then a vampire bites him and shows him how to live like a vamp! Have you heard of it?
