Thursday, July 23, 2009

What a Strange Dream

So I had a dream that I was at my last day of school. For some reason I was in fourth grade again, and the whole grade was doing yoga in the field at Rossman. It was weird.
The scene changed. I was at Alex's house, I touched some wall in her garden and the frost on it burned my hand. It's summer. I remember that dream-me had recently just taken a bath so I was sparkly clean and wearing a bathrobe, hair still wet. On the side of Alex's house she has a small hill going down, but when I looked more closely the hill seemed to go down forever and ever into a black abyss. I then slipped in mud; the hill was full of it. I was sliding far down, and then I finally dug my heels into the mud and stopped. I remember me thinking that since I was mostly dirty already I should just roll around and get the rest of myself muddy because there was no point. I was mad because taking a bath had been useless.
Far up, I saw a turkey on the top of the hill. It had this little computerized tag underneath it saying, "Brown Friendly Turkey, $200". It crowed down to me, and I understood it saying something along the lines that it wanted to be my friend.
I attempted to climb the hill, but didn't get so far; the mud was cold and slippery. Then Heidi appeared and said, "C' mon Lilly, you can do it! You're on Heidi's Exercise Program!" I'm almost there when I fall to my doom, falling down and down and down and then no more.
Dream-me woke up in the exact same place I was before, hanging onto the cliff ledge. I asked Heidi in confusion, "B-but I thought this was real life, I thought I had died!" Dream-Heidi laughed. "Lilly, this isn't real life! You're in a video game!" And to prove it, she pointed above my head. It said in bold, green letters "2 Lives".

And then I woke up. It was 8:06am. I laughed a little. I dreamed about Alex's house I guess because Alex was moving to Chicago soon, and I've know them living in that house for a long time. And I dreamed about the "Brown Friendly Turkey" because yesterday Heidi was pestering me about playing on Farmville, a game on facebook, and she said I could buy animals, too. I had just happened to look at a turkey when browsing through the animals. What a weird dream.


  1. You were wearing a bathroom?

    Haha, AWESOME dream.

    Glad I was there.

  2. Ha! No, I meant 'bathrobe'.

    I think that is the weirdest dream I've had so far.

    You played a funny part in my dream...

  3. Wow, I can't believe you remembered so many details! This made me laugh :) I liked the part about Heidi's exercise program.

  4. Yeah, whenever I would go on walks with Heidi she'd always call it 'Heidi's Exercise Program'. Good times...
