Thursday, June 4, 2009

Bloggering about BOB.

Well I might as well start with this bloggering stuff.
Today was the final competition of B.O.B. (Battle Of the Books). I wasn't in it, of course. I got kicked out in the third round. Anyway, there was a team from each homeroom that each had to answer the same 30 questions of the 30 books they've read. I found it most annoying when the team was struggling to find an answer when I knew what it was. It's so obvious!! I screamed in my head. I was making all these crazy hand motions at some points, and so were some of the other kids sitting next to me, whispering to their buddies. It was against the rules to give the teams hints of what the answer is, so we had to keep quiet. But after each question the BOB teams got wrong I would mutter to my friend Liz next to me what it was, and we would both nod in agreement. Each time the teams would be asked the third question ("In what book was a window shutter an important hiding place?") they always said "Anne Frank: Life in hiding." BRRRT! Wrong! Right away I knew the answer was "Daughter of Liberty", but of course the kids in the team can't read minds.
After the first two teams had gone, there was a sort of intermission. Mrs. Pyzak got up and announced we were doing the "Toody Ta" to get our wiggles out. It was embarrasing to put my knees together, put my butt up, and stick my tongue out. One part of my mind whispered, "You look like an idiot!" But I ignored it, and was laughing, enjoying myself. Smiling brightly, I sat down after that and we continued the competition.

1 comment:

  1. I remember when I sat through this. I reacted the same way! I knew the answer when they didn't and it wasn't fair! i should have been up there!

    Here's an idea for a blog: How do you feel about leaving the elementary school?
