Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Our segment today: Stupid Computer Journals

Sorry if I havn't been putting posts up. I just don't like 'computer journals' that much. Also, in normal journals you can draw silly pictures and doodles and glue and tape stuff in and WRITE in them, as in, not TYPING. It's the satisfaction of turning the pages of blank paper, and filling them with memories. Not just memories of the good times you had, but the memories of your grammar getting better, and your spelling and your handwriting improving. In the future when you look at your journals you're going to cherish them and look through them, remembering the good times. The journal is a part of YOU. Journals are something to write in at the end of a fun, exciting day and reliving it again by writing them down. That's why I don't have a LiveJournal, or really like to write on my Blog that much or like having a computer journal in general. I now and then write litle bits in blogger, and I would find it fun to put pictures up. Thus concluding our segment of Stupid Computer Journals.


P.S. As you can see, in stupid computer journals you can't actually sign your signature.
P.S.S. This does not offend blogger or Livejournal; just ta let ya know.
P.S.S.S. Hey, maybe I'll make this a picture Blog.
P.S.S.S.S. Not like I'll have much to talk about.
P.S.S.S.S.S. I'll try to write more, I just wanted you to understand. I love blogging and following my sisters, and they probably want to do the same to me. Well, some maybe *glares at Kelly who still hasn't raised her hand*


  1. Thanks for changing me to "the spontaneous one". I noticed.


  2. Yay! I like your blog! Write more! hehe
